Why It’s a Good Idea to Rent Stage Lighting for Your Events

Regardless of the size of your audience or the type of event you’re organizing, the right combination of stage lighting and special effects has the power to set the tone. Whether you want to evoke certain emotions in the audience or get the crowd excited for what’s to come, stage lighting is a highly effective tool that can help you achieve your goals when used correctly. This article explores a number of different stage lighting benefits that you should consider while planning your next live event.

What Is Stage Lighting Used for?

Stage lighting has a number of different uses. There’s the obvious theatrical setting, which includes a number of mood-altering colour gels, filters, and fixtures. But stage lighting can actually go a lot further than that. Basically, stage lighting—which is also known as theater lighting—is used for a variety of live events that take place on a stage. That includes concerts, speeches, keynote speakers, banquets, and even corporate events.

Spotlighting is one of the most commonly used stage lighting effects because it highlights actors and speakers on a stage to make them stand out against the background. Sometimes when there are multiple speakers or actors on a stage, a spotlight is used to indicate to the audience who is currently speaking.

Benefits of Event Stage Lighting Rentals

Planning an event takes a lot of work. Event stage lighting rentals can take away some of the hassle by providing you with state-of-the-art equipment. Here are some of the most noteworthy benefits.


Simply tell the stage lighting rental company what type of lighting effects and equipment you need, and they can provide it for you at an affordable rate. Professional stage lighting rental companies have a large inventory of all of the latest technology and equipment to make your event the talk of the town.


There are no overhead costs, storage fees or additional maintenance and repair expenses when it comes to event stage lighting rentals. You just have to pay a rental fee for the amount of time you’ll be using the equipment as well as a deposit in case of damages. Audiovisual companies that provide event lighting rental equipment are usually insured so you don’t have to worry about repairing or replacing the equipment yourself.

Enhance the Aesthetic of Your Event

Impressive and immersive lighting effects can only be achieved by using high-end equipment supplied by a professional audiovisual company. Your audience will automatically be able to tell if you’re using cheap or low-quality lighting equipment. High-quality lighting effects enhance the aesthetic of your event, production, or performance by thrusting your audience directly in the middle of it and making them feel like they’re a part of it.

Experienced Lighting Technicians

Professional lighting equipment rentals also usually come with technicians with many years of audiovisual and special effects expertise. They already know how to use the equipment, so you don’t have to worry about hiring and training someone to do it on the day of the event.

When event planners need stage lighting rentals they can rely on, there’s only one company they trust: Straight Street Event Services. We have over 25 years of experience in the audiovisual industry and can provide our clients with all of the latest lighting and sound technology in the field. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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