The Unexpected Benefits of Hybrid Events

To say the event industry took quite a hit in 2020 would be an understatement. As we enter the new year, and we still responsibly await the day when we can hopefully get back to “normal,” one thing seems clear.

Hybrid events have become a viable and trending thing, not just a crisis solution. The ultimate pivot has been the innovation and problem-solving solutions allowing businesses to achieve event goals despite the ongoing restrictions of live events.

Hybrid events are here for the long haul.

A combination of a robust virtual delivery combined with an on-site live component are the elements of a hybrid event. Whether it be for adding value, marketing a product or service, or providing audience participation, a hybrid event can deliver that information and uniquely achieve those goals.

Hybrid events may have been the pivoted necessity to address the pandemic but unexpectedly have exposed some positive reasons to keep hybrid events at the forefront of event planning for the future. Here are the unexpected benefits to considering hybrid events:

  1. Full inclusivity can happen.

Organizers and attendees have the confidence and are comfortable with the concept of a hybrid event. It will be a long time before all stakeholders are willing to show up on-site to an event with other people, especially large numbers. But virtually, everyone can attend. The impact of hybrid events increases attendance due to cost-savings, scheduling and safety concerns being minimized. The opportunities to attract more people through a hybrid event with this extended reach ultimately increase the value created for all.

  1. Tracking measurable information is easier.

As soon as you add digital components in our technology world, it is easier to find ways to analyze and process information. Strategic Planning is essential to helping businesses and event planners decide what to focus on or prioritize the future. Hybrid events allow event planners to measure data to generate future ideas, gather insights about attendees and evaluate circumstances more effectively and efficiently.

  1. Repurpose and Reuse Content.

Recycling has always been a good environmental thing to do. Being efficient to reuse or repurpose things has taken on a whole new definition with hybrid events. The beauty of all that hard work and planning is multiplied and overflows. Businesses can reuse digital content for future events, marketing opportunities and reviews. This ROI will be advantageous in the long run, despite the learning curve and hard work event planners are putting into hybrid events.

Hybrid events may just be a silver lining of the pandemic – causing us to do things differently with awesome perks to reap event benefits for the long term.

If you would like to discuss creative ways to work together during this time, please email us at [email protected], and we will be in touch. 

Keith Kissner – President            

Want to Learn More about Virtual Events?

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by Paul Richards

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