Great sound is the key to a great event

Great sound is the key to a great event. Let’s face it, we have all been to events where we have experienced poor sound quality, which can ruin an event and give a negative experience to your attendees. Great sound makes all the difference. 

Above almost all else, great sounding audio is key to a great event, and it’s what will leave a good or bad impression with your guests.

Whether it is a keynote speaker inspiring change, a convocation moment when a graduate’s name is read, or a concert venue with a band, the sound must be great, or your event just won’t be. Arguably it is the deciding deal breaker between a great and terrible event. In other words,  the impact is minimized and potentially destroyed if the sound is off. A brand can be put in jeopardy and can affect the morale of guests as well as the performers. 

To set the tone for high-quality sound production, you need to rely on great sound solutions. Ways to ensure you are guaranteed great sound quality from your audio-visual company includes:

Consider the listeners

There is a big difference between great sound suited to the event and noise. A high-energy rock concert is very different that a stadium of convention attendees listening to a keynote speaker. A great production team is clearly aware of your audience and considers sound recommendations with those guests in mind. 

Invests in High-quality equipment

Your experienced experts know visuals are easy to troubleshoot or adjust when technical issues arise. However, if a message is missed due to broken microphones or speakers, there is a significant impact. Ensure your production provider uses state-of-the-art equipment that is tested and reliable for your event. 

Knowledge of the Equipment 

Often the audio issues that come up is because the wrong equipment was selected for the venue, or the sound engineer simply lacked the experience. Choose a competent team of audio experts to make sure your equipment is selected, installed, and run properly. It’s that easy.

We will say it again, great sound is the key to a great event. Straight Street Event Services is the trusted audio-visual production leader in Southwestern Ontario because we specialize in committing to our client’s vision, and we can do it all. When you work with us, you work with an extraordinary team of trusted experts to manage and execute it all with the most innovative technology.

Choose industry-leading expertise with audio technicians who understand the importance of their role. From planning to design to operation, our Straight Street Crew ensures that everything is in place to ensure audio assurance at your event. Great sound makes all the difference.

Your Event Goals. Our Expertise. That’s Straight Street.

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by Paul Richards

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